Free Family Law Resources

Omar Ha-Redeye does not practice family law. This information is provided as a public service only.

Family law in Canada is one of the areas with the highest levels of self-representation and backlogs in the court system.  Divorces are increasingly becoming unaffordable for many people, and family law disputes can drag on for years.

The Ontario Civil Litigation Needs Project report, Listening to Ontarians, stated,

While many people seek assistance from lawyers, others experience substantial barriers to accessing legal assistance for a number of reasons, including income, language, and geographic access. Access issues are not experienced uniformly. Access is a more significant challenge in some areas of law, such as family law, and within particularly vulnerable communities, such as with members of equality-seeking communities. A combination of factors that increase vulnerability will also have a proportionately greater effect on an individual’s experience with a civil legal problem. Further, civil needs reflect people’s life experiences. For example, older people tend to have more estate law needs than younger people. This information tells us that there are opportunities to respond to unmet legal needs with more tailored legal services.

There is a strong need for free legal information for the public to help avoid unnecessary disputes and reduce the burden on the justice system.


My Support Calculator

My Support Calculator

The only calculator in Canada that allows people to accurately calculate simple spousal support and child support payments at the same time. Best of all, it’s free.

 Family Matters with Justice Harvey Brownstone

 The first television show in the world with a sitting judge as the host.  Justice Brownstone invites lawyers, judges, and other professionals as guests to discuss issues relating to family law.

LSUC Family Law portal:

A new portal with links to important resources and tools.