Outsourcing as a Business Strategy

Omar Ha-Redeye was quoted by James Careless in National Magazine, in “Help Wanted – Outsourcing is a viable business strategy for small and solo firm,”

Outsourcing non-legal functions to third parties allows small firms to adjust their operations more easily, says Omar Ha-Redeye, executive director of the Durham Community Legal Clinic and Access to Justice Hub. 

Files vary in size and timing. Some trials can be more resource-intensive. Or firms may encounter seasonal swings, in real estate matters for instance. “[Outsourcing] can also allow these firms to better adapt in light of unexpected circumstances, such as the ones that we have seen with the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Ha-Redeye.

Finally, experts also advise to keep client contacts in-house to reinforce one’s brand in the clients’ minds. “Typically, I suggest retaining the direct relationship with the client as a priority,” says Ha-Redeye. “This role emphasizes the project management function of the firm that is engaging in outsourcing to ensure all the various pieces properly work together.”