Writing Precedes an Interest in Law

Martha Sperry of the Advocate’s Studio talks about the intersection of writing and law.

And not the obvious connection of writing briefs, pleadings and memos.

Sperry is talking about writing outside of the law.

Not all legal writers were born to be memoir writers…

I am of the opinion that any writing practice is good writing practice.

She mentions various writers she has encountered that write while in the law or in law school.

She continues with some very kind words,

One of my Twitter follows, law student Omar Ha-Redeye, has just published a textbook on Population Health, Communities and Health Promotion that will be used in Australian universities. Now, THAT is impressive under anyone’s definition of the word.

While I am wowed by the sheer magnitude of the task of writing a book while negotiating Torts, Constitutional Law, Evidence and Commercial Paper, I am not surprised. I believe an interest in writing necessarily precedes an interest in pursuing law.

It wasn’t an easy task, so the encouragement is definitely appreciated.